“Metaphysical MacGuffins” is my forth writing project. The first one was a spleen-venting, unreliable and unreadable, emotional catharsis. It came about in the wash up of a long-term relationship failure, and it must never see the light of day. But it did teach me the usefulness of writing as a method of clarifying thought processes. The second was a novel set in the future where Islam had been crushed and the world has been taken over by the Fundamentalist Christian (American) Right. It remains as a few short stories because I ran out of plot ideas. The third was an attempt by me to reconcile mental illness with religious faith called “Jesus or the Pills”. For fifteen years I’d suffered from type II bi-polar disorder. I’ve subsequently enjoyed 10 continued years of remission. Yes, I didn’t think such an outcome was possible either. The conventional wisdom is that once you’re bi-polar, that’s it. Also I was born into a fundamentalist religion and have spent most of my adult life getting over the experience. As a finished work it is sitting unattended because it, like my first project, is unreadable. I do go on a bit! And I’m not sure what to do with it. I don’t know where it. My modified liberal views on religion mean its content would likely be unacceptable to most Christian publishing houses.
I’ve explained all that because I feel that “Metaphysical MacGuffins” is an amalgam of these three attempts at writing. It is a collection of short stories, poems and essays. Most are imagined although there are obviously many bits of auto-biographical detail throughout them. Many are linked by being about a character who has dealt with, or is dealing with, mental health issues. His life-long spiritual quest has been affected by his upbringing. He remains a sort-of Christian but firmly believes the spiritual paths we choose are an accident of our birth.
A Macguffin is a device used by story tellers, particularly film directors, to drive the plot. In this context it is an everyday event that causes someone to move beyond the ordinary in their thinking and into the area of the “big” questions. It probably should be called “Spiritual MacGuffins” but if it was you’d miss the alliteration of the M. In my world you fix things by changing the way you think. And your spiritual journey can be an important tool in this process. I use Christianity because it’s what I know, and I do believe in it. But I have minimal desire to try and “convert” anybody. For me it’s become all about how you live your life rather than the nuts and bolts of what you believe.
I am 69, single, suffer from Parkinson’s, am a semi-retired tradesman, but otherwise have good health. I studied psychology for two years full time at university recently but didn’t complete the degree because I concluded the course was a load of rubbish. I also have a Bachelor of Education where I majored in both English and History. As a consequence I am familiar with the “English Canon” and I make the odd reference to it and modern history in the writing.
At the time of this writing there are about 25 stories and about 80,000 words. And I am always adding to them and writing more. I intend to put them up over time when they get to a final edit that I’m happy with. I hope this information may be of interest to you.