The Secular
Start with nothing, ask not why, and build.
Pounce on anything you can find, discard the rest;
then lunge and flail at all that comes your way.
Shout defiance at the abyss, even if it doesn’t care.
Grasp around for something your scratching can scuff,
only to claim a moment when your fingers begin to bleed.
Concentricity is the rationale of emptiness.
But go back to the start and disown the eccentric,
for when it gets dark, that is all you can achieve.
Withdraw the nobility from the quest
for it is nought but a frantic fumble.
Every avenue is invisible in the end!
Ask Balaam’s donkey, but don’t have the patience to listen.
Just hit him harder and harder and harder
while you rage against the dying of the light.
The Spiritual
Explore history, ask hard questions, and think.
Take that which imbues the soul with goodness,
and seek pure love, as a gift from the universal.
Know the numinous, for it is unique in what it shows.
In learning to understand our relationship with everything,
there comes a wisdom that will set you apart.
Ignore the concentric for it is chaff in the wind,
only the eccentric can supply the surging.
As your new dawn arises, it will carry the past before.
Take selfless pride in the alteration of the heart
because it is the harbinger of every true value,
and that intuitive assent will draw you beyond the seen.
Believe the witness for there is infinite potential,
and the journey to peace is not a race.
Stand sure in this one certain truth, and that is you are!
And you matter.